Jason Snyder’s Homepage

My daughter wanted all of her poses in photos to be “cool” during the summer of 2021.


Curriculum Vitae (Februrary 2024)

Working Papers

Intermediary Profits in a Time of Scarcity” with Mark Garmaise and Mark Jansen


Product Sales Incentive Spillovers to the Lending Market” with Mark Jansen, Hieu Nguyen, and Lamar Pierce (Forthcoming Management Science)

Historical Origins of Firm Ownership Structure and Performance: The Persistent Effects of the African Slave Trade” with Lamar Pierce The Academy of Management Journal 2020

Pro Bono as a Human Capital Learning and Screening Mechanism: Evidence from Law Firms” with Vanessa Burbano and John Mamer Strategic Management Journal 2018

The Historical Slave Trade and Firm Access to Finance in Africa” with Lamar Pierce, The Review of Financial Studies 2018

The Deep Historical Roots of Organization and Strategy: Traumatic Shocks, Culture, and Institutions” with Leonardo Kluppel & Lamar Pierce Organization Science 2018

Do Politicians Really Cause Corporate Downsizing?” with Ivo Welch, Journal of Political Economy 2017

Empirics of Learning from Failure” with Victor Bennett, Strategy Science 2017 (Lead Article)

Losing Hurts: The Happiness Impact of Partisan Electoral Loss” with Lamar Pierce and Todd Rogers, The Journal of Experimental Political Science 2016

Unethical Demand and Employee Turnover” with Lamar Pierce, The Journal of Business Ethics 2015

An Analysis of U.S. Congressional Support for the Affordable Care Act” with Aaron Chatterji and Siona Listokin, Health Management, Policy and Innovation 2014 (Lead Article)

Customer-Driven Misconduct: How Competition Corrupts Business Practices” with Victor Bennett, Lamar Pierce, and Michael Toffel, Management Science 2013 (Lead Article)

Discretion and Manipulation by Experts: Evidence from a Vehicle Emissions Policy Change” with Lamar Pierce, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy Advances Tier 2012 (Lead Article)

The Gender Earnings Gap for Physicians and its Increase Over Time” with Constanca Esteves-Sorenson, Economic Letters 2011

Gaming the Liver Transplant MarketThe Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 2010

Political Dynasties” with Ernesto Dal Bó and Pedro Dal Bó, The Review of Economic Studies 2009

Ethical Spillovers in Firms: Evidence from the Vehicle Emissions Testing Market” with Lamar Pierce, Management Science 2008

A forever unpublished classic: “Detecting Manipulation in U.S. House Elections”. This is an old paper that I am unsure if it is correct or not (currently I lean toward not). Despite not being published this paper still generates citations.